Child Protective Services (CPS)
Smyth County Child Protective Services (CPS) is dedicated to the safety of children, reducing the incidence and recurrence of child abuse and neglect, helping children and families recover from the trauma of child abuse and neglect, and preventing unnecessary out-of-home placements of children.
The goal of CPS is to identify, assess and provide services to children and families in an effort to protect children, preserve families whenever possible and prevent further maltreatment. CPS is non punitive in its approach and is directed toward enabling families to provide adequate care for their children. When appropriate, a full range of services is available to the child and family including referrals for individual and family counseling, substance abuse services, parenting education, mentoring services, intensive in-home services, housing assistance and case management.
Reports of alleged child abuse and/or neglect are screened based on state policy and guidelines. Valid reports are assigned to a CPS worker who conducts an immediate investigation or assessment of the complaint and initiates necessary action to ensure the protection of the child. An interview with the child must be done and may occur without permission from the parents. Interviews are also conducted with the alleged abuser and other parties as needed. In cases where an allegation may involve criminal charges, the investigation is done jointly with law enforcement.
The agency receives reports on a 24-hour a day basis. To make a Child Protective Services report during business hours call 276-783-8148. After business hours call the toll free hotline number 1-800-552-7096. In an emergency situation call 911.
Do you know the signs of child abuse?
What Is Child Abuse? How Do I Recognize It?
Child abuse includes physical abuse, physical neglect, sexual abuse and mental (emotional) abuse of a child under 18 years of age by a parent or other caretaker.
How Can I Decide Whether to Report the Abuse I Suspect?
Will My Name Be Confidential? Do I Have To Give My Name?
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The goal of CPS is to identify, assess and provide services to children and families in an effort to protect children, preserve families whenever possible and prevent further maltreatment. CPS is non punitive in its approach and is directed toward enabling families to provide adequate care for their children. When appropriate, a full range of services is available to the child and family including referrals for individual and family counseling, substance abuse services, parenting education, mentoring services, intensive in-home services, housing assistance and case management.
Reports of alleged child abuse and/or neglect are screened based on state policy and guidelines. Valid reports are assigned to a CPS worker who conducts an immediate investigation or assessment of the complaint and initiates necessary action to ensure the protection of the child. An interview with the child must be done and may occur without permission from the parents. Interviews are also conducted with the alleged abuser and other parties as needed. In cases where an allegation may involve criminal charges, the investigation is done jointly with law enforcement.
The agency receives reports on a 24-hour a day basis. To make a Child Protective Services report during business hours call 276-783-8148. After business hours call the toll free hotline number 1-800-552-7096. In an emergency situation call 911.
Do you know the signs of child abuse?
What Is Child Abuse? How Do I Recognize It?
Child abuse includes physical abuse, physical neglect, sexual abuse and mental (emotional) abuse of a child under 18 years of age by a parent or other caretaker.
- Physical abuse is a non-accidental injury to a child by a parent or caretaker. You may see frequent and unexplained bruises, burns, cuts or other injuries. The child may be overly afraid of the parent's reaction to misbehavior.
- Physical neglect is a parent's failure to give the child food, clothing, hygiene, medical care, and/or supervision. You may see a very young child routinely left alone at home or you may know that a severe illness or injury is not being medically treated. A neighbor's child may frequently turn up at your door - inadequately dressed for the weather - saying his parent told him to stay away. Physical neglect is hard to judge. . .sometimes what you see is simply poor judgment, but not neglect. Sometimes what you see is the result of poverty, not parental neglect.
- Sexual abuse ranges from non-touching offenses, such as exhibitionism, to fondling, intercourse or using the child for pornographic materials. You may see sexual behavior way beyond what is expected for the child's age. A young child might have sudden, unusual difficulty with toilet habits or there may be pain or itching, bruises or bleeding in the genital area. The child may not be able to tell you directly about these problems.
- Mental (emotional) abuse includes severe rejection, humiliation and actions intended to produce fear or extreme guilt in a child. You may see a parent who verbally terrorizes the child, who continually and severely criticizes the child, or who fails to express any affection or nurturing.
How Can I Decide Whether to Report the Abuse I Suspect?
- Deciding whether or not to report suspected child abuse can be difficult, yet it is an important first step toward protecting a child who might be in danger.
- You must have a reasonable suspicion of child abuse.
- You do not have to be able to prove the abuse or be absolutely certain that it occurred.
- You might be mistaken, but it is better to err on the side of the child.
- Not reporting your suspicions may mean that abuse will continue.
- If you make a report in good faith, you are immune from civil or criminal liability.
- Only if the child is at risk of serious harm will she or he be taken away from the home. Removing the child from the home is not a routine or usual occurrence. Even if the child must be removed, the goal is to keep the family together.
- After receiving a valid report, Child Protective Services (CPS) assesses the situation to determine if there is immediate danger to the child.
- If caseworkers find that maltreatment has occurred, or services are needed to prevent abuse and neglect, CPS has a number of options.
Will My Name Be Confidential? Do I Have To Give My Name?
- Reports may be made anonymously, but it helps a great deal if you give your name. Giving your name will assure that the CPS worker who investigates the case can contact you and that important information will not be forgotten or lost.
- Your name will be kept confidential. CPS will not release identifying information about the person who made the report to the family who was reported.
- Usually the name of the person making the report will be made known only if a court orders it or if court testimony is involved.
- You will receive a letter of acknowledgement from CPS, but otherwise you may not know, except by seeing changes in the child and family. CPS works under strict confidentiality rules, for the protection of everybody involved.
- You can let the parent know that you are concerned about her or him. Realize the parent may be under stress, feeling lonely and isolated or inadequate as a parent. Offer your support, or encourage the parent to seek other help - perhaps a parenting class or support group.
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