Santa's Elves
Santa’s Elves Referrals are being accepted from October 30, 2017 through December 6, 2017. Please call 276-783-8148 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. if you would like to make a referral or become a sponsor.
The purpose of the Santa’s Elves program is to see that Santa remembers every child in Smyth County and that a child is not forgotten just because the family is experiencing difficult times.
The program is intended to assist Smyth County children whose families will have difficulty providing them with a gift for Christmas. Families must meet income eligibility guidelines established by the Santa’s Elves program. Consideration will also be given to the family’s circumstances. For example, a family may exceed the income guidelines, but have a serious hardship, such as serious illness within the family. The income guideline may be waived if the circumstances warrant it. On the other hand, a family may be income eligible, but have extended family that will be able to help them. In this case, the family could be denied, as the child will be receiving a gift for Christmas.
The program is not intended to provide gifts for grandparents to give to their grandchildren, nor is it intended to provide extra gifts. The program is concerned with seeing that a child is not left out and receives something for Christmas.
When a family is referred to the program, an application is completed. Volunteers/workers will also be making random home visits to verify information and to determine need. Once it has been determined that the family is in need, the Elves look to the community for support.
Persons interested in referring a child or those wishing to become sponsors may come by the Smyth County Department of Social Services or call 276-783-8148 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Volunteers will be available to assist. There will also be names of children in the Santa’s Elves program on the Angel Tree at Walmart. Cards on the tree have all the information needed to sponsor a child.
Sponsors basically act as Santa Claus. The sponsor will be matched with a family who fits the sponsor’s requests. Sponsor can specify age/gender/location and Santa’s Elves will try to match accordingly. The sponsor will be given a wish list provided by the child with clothing needs, sizes, and a requested toy.
The Elves try to match all children within a family with the same sponsor.
The purpose of the Santa’s Elves program is to see that Santa remembers every child in Smyth County and that a child is not forgotten just because the family is experiencing difficult times.
The program is intended to assist Smyth County children whose families will have difficulty providing them with a gift for Christmas. Families must meet income eligibility guidelines established by the Santa’s Elves program. Consideration will also be given to the family’s circumstances. For example, a family may exceed the income guidelines, but have a serious hardship, such as serious illness within the family. The income guideline may be waived if the circumstances warrant it. On the other hand, a family may be income eligible, but have extended family that will be able to help them. In this case, the family could be denied, as the child will be receiving a gift for Christmas.
The program is not intended to provide gifts for grandparents to give to their grandchildren, nor is it intended to provide extra gifts. The program is concerned with seeing that a child is not left out and receives something for Christmas.
When a family is referred to the program, an application is completed. Volunteers/workers will also be making random home visits to verify information and to determine need. Once it has been determined that the family is in need, the Elves look to the community for support.
Persons interested in referring a child or those wishing to become sponsors may come by the Smyth County Department of Social Services or call 276-783-8148 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Volunteers will be available to assist. There will also be names of children in the Santa’s Elves program on the Angel Tree at Walmart. Cards on the tree have all the information needed to sponsor a child.
Sponsors basically act as Santa Claus. The sponsor will be matched with a family who fits the sponsor’s requests. Sponsor can specify age/gender/location and Santa’s Elves will try to match accordingly. The sponsor will be given a wish list provided by the child with clothing needs, sizes, and a requested toy.
The Elves try to match all children within a family with the same sponsor.